Thursday 13 October 2011


Hey all!!

Just a few notes on some up-coming events and what not!

1) Guaranteed Christmas Delivery spots are now filled. However, don't despair! This is based upon my current work schedule. Once orders are finished and sent out, that means I will have room again. As is though, I do not want to promise too many out of fear that I will be unable to meet my obligations. If you are interested in purchasing an item, please let me know and you can be added to the WAIT LIST!

2) Ready-to-Ship Auction will be open until 5:00 PM MST, October 13. These items are all ready-to-go, and honestly, helps me make some more space on my work bench! Happy bidding!

3) PRE-CHRISTMAS BAG IT AUCTION: I am planning on doing a ready-to-ship auction later in November. This auction will contain items that are pre-finished such as: piggybanks, hair accessory holders, and Christmas decor. It gives those of you that didn't get on the Shipment Guarantee List a chance to snag some great BDD gear! I will make this formal announcement later in the month!


Saturday 1 October 2011


Can you believe it is already October? Where has the summer gone? This month is going to be crazy!! I have tons of orders to finish, family visits, plus a trip to Saskatchewan for my grandmother's birthday! Can you say hectic? Throw in my birthday, anniversary and halloween: we are going into stress-mode!!!

Just to let everyone know, if you are thinking about ordering some BDD products for Christmas, you should probably do that sooner than later! I already have a great deal of gifts on order and won't have much time left in the mix to complete a whole lot more!! I recommend all orders be placed on or before October 10th, to ensure you receive your items in time!

Also make sure you check and see where I may have some gift cards out in circulation at vendor give-away celebrations! It's not only a great way to get a discount on BDD merchandise, but you never know what you may find from other vendors! So many goodies!

And last but not least I will be doing another blogland give-away this month! So make sure you keep tabs to get in on it!! I promise it will be a great one!!


Friday 30 September 2011


Thanks to all my new followers in Blogland!!! Make sure you do stay tuned often, as I plan to do more give-aways and contests via my blog (since Facebook is a huge P.I.T.A.).

Our winner of the 8x12 custom canvas is Sayge's Mommy!!! Congratulations!! Please email me at so we can go over design concept!

I am planning on hibernating with some Nyquil now! Have a nice week-end everyone!

Thursday 29 September 2011


Welcome to the BDD blog!!!

For those of you interested in getting a great deal on custom 8x12 canvases, you now can purchase yours for $20.00, a savings of $5.00/canvas! Sets of 4 include FREE SHIPPING until September 30th. To order yours, please email Michelle at

If you would like your chance to win a custom 8x12 canvas, please post a comment to this entry to enter!! One entry per person please! I will pull the winner's name tomorrow evening at 8:30 PM MST! You must be a follower of this blog to qualify!

Good luck everyone!

Luv, M


One of the many perks of being a business owner has been meeting other work-at-home moms who have started their own businesses! I can't even tell you how much talent is out there!!! Not only that, I have become loyal customers to many of them. We share business secrets and I have even gained a few great friends along the way!

That is why I think it is important to share what being a business-owner means to us! I am calling all mompreneurs who are interested in doing a Q&A session!! If you are interested, please comment below and/or email me at

I look forward to sharing your story!

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Where the Wild Things Are

I get asked ALL the time how I find the time to be a stay-at-home mom AND create my pieces. Simply put? I don't know! I just DO! I find the time in-between meals, during naps, and in the evenings. I wish I could say I had child-labor over here (no worries: I don't!). And to be honest, one of the greater stressors in my life is trying to cram in as much time into finishing orders as I can, around the mothering, cleaning, cooking and all around super-woman'ing. But I honestly love it too!

I think my life is just a wild entity! It is an organism of it's own! Just as my business started out small and un-assuming and just gained an insane amount of momentum before I knew it! I literally went from being childless to having twins, then being pregnant AGAIN when they were 10 months old: mom of 3 in 19 months BAM!! No worries, I gave my poor uterus a break for 5 years before I had my last baby ;) People ask me how I can have four kids. I never knew the simplicity of life with ONE baby! LOL I hit the ground running and having stopped since! My life doesn't know normal!! Some of you already know that one of my daughter's is autistic. She is an amazing person! However it hasn't been without it's own challenges being a mom of four and to have a child with a disability! Along with being everything that entails being a mom, I am also an advocate! And just when I thought life might slow down, we were hit with another devastating blow almost two years ago when my husband was diagnosed with a devastating medical condition. So really it's not how I own my own business but rather what owning my own business means to mean in the scheme of things. It is my outlet for ME! When I am working, I get to leave the every day stressors behind me and concentrate on what is developing at the end of my paintbrush!

So as wild as life might be I would definitely say I fit right in!!!

Welcome to Blogland.. BDD Style!

A hearty hello to all my loyal Facebook fans!!! If you are new to the Beautiful Dreamers Design scene, I welcome you!

For those of you who are not familiar with me or my business, I founded BDD (Beautiful Dreamers Design) initially as an interior design business, which exclusively cateered to nursery and children's room. Implementing my own artistry, I would transform my client's rooms with their personality guiding me. After becoming pregnant with my fourth (and final!) child, I took a year off to take care of my and my newborn. And what a crazy year that turned out to be!! A premature birth, a move into a new home and other whirlwind surprises gave me the opportunity to re-evaluate what I direction I was going to take BDD. My husband encouraged me to hit the web in the late summer of 2010. I wasn't sure how that would go, and how much exposure I would get. WHAT a shock! BDD climbed from virtually 200 fans to over 3000 in a matter of a few months!

If you haven't figured me out yet: I LOVE TO CREATE! It keeps the creative juices flowing!!! My hopes for this blog is to not only let you in on some of the new and upcoming items I will be premiering, but to also give my fans a look into my personal life and allow us to develop an even more wonderful working relationship! I am not a conglomerate: I am just a work-a-day momma who wants to network with other mom's and business owners alike!

My success is 110% owed to my fans! They keep me wanting to excel in every project I do! So a heartfelt thank-you to each and every one of you who have supported me in this business: both financially and emotionally.

Much love,